JavaScript just became way faster because of Bun JavaScript Runtime

JavaScript just became way faster because of Bun JavaScript Runtime

9 December, 2022

Yes, you read it right,

JavaScript just got way faster!

And the reason is,

Bun - A fast new JavaScript runtime like Node.js or Deno. And with "Fast", I mean really fast, just look at the stats below. Its anewJavaScriptruntimethat includesanativebundler,transpiler,taskrunner,andnpmclient.

JavaScript just became way faster because of Bun JavaScript Runtime
JavaScript just became way faster because of Bun JavaScript Runtime
JavaScript just became way faster because of Bun JavaScript Runtime

The above Stats are given by the official Website of Bun -

You can read more about it here:-

This is actually very exciting, I'm looking forward to it. I hope it kicks off really well and fast. No offense to all the Google lovers but it will be good if not everything a developer needs or uses has ties to Google (in the case v8 engine)