10 Most interesting Visual Studio Code Extensions for Frontend Developers

10 Most interesting Visual Studio Code Extensions for Frontend Developers

2 November, 2022

As a Frontend Developer, you will find these VSCode extensions exciting, powerful, helpful, and can improve your productivity and workflow!

1) Turbo Console Log

The extension automates the process of writing meaningful log messages, making debugging much easier.

2) CSS Peek

By using CSS classes in HTML files, you can search for relevant CSS files and edit CSS files directly from the HTML file! This works as follows:

10 Most interesting Visual Studio Code Extensions for Frontend Developers

3) Import Cost

With the Import Cost feature, you can see the size of the imported package directly in the editor!

4) Version Lens

Based on dependency versions, Version Lens displays them on top of the dependency! By clicking on the label for the latest version, you can also change to the latest version!

10 Most interesting Visual Studio Code Extensions for Frontend Developers

5) Better Comments

Comments play a vital role in maintaining a project. This extension helps write comments properly so it is easier for others to understand the code.

10 Most interesting Visual Studio Code Extensions for Frontend Developers

6) Auto import

Automatically helps import other modules and libraries

10 Most interesting Visual Studio Code Extensions for Frontend Developers

7) Error Lens

The Error Lens extension provides warning and error messages in line with your code without having to hover or click! In addition, it highlights the line with different colors so you can more easily distinguish between errors, warnings, and other messages!

10 Most interesting Visual Studio Code Extensions for Frontend Developers

8) Code Spell Checker

A code review comment to correct spelling is one of the worst nightmares. Spelling correction extensions are helpful while coding.

10 Most interesting Visual Studio Code Extensions for Frontend Developers

9) Live Sass Compiler

With the Live SASS Compiler extension, you can compile SASS/SCSS files to CSS files in real-time, and view the compiled styles in your browser as they are being compiled.

10 Most interesting Visual Studio Code Extensions for Frontend Developers

10) TypeScript Hero

Improves the quality of your TypeScript code.

10 Most interesting Visual Studio Code Extensions for Frontend Developers