Why and when to choose React for frontend?

Why and when to choose React for frontend?

16 August, 2022

Facebook created and maintains React JS, which is a JavaScript library. React is an open-source JavaScript toolkit for creating simple, quick, and scalable web application frontends that are efficient, declarative, and flexible.

With ReactJS's ability to decompose complex interfaces into individual components, it offers more power than other frameworks.

What ReactJS has to offer?

Easy to Learn and Use: React is significantly easier to learn than other popular front-end frameworks like Angular and Vue. It's one of the key reasons why React has achieved so much popularity in such a short period of time. It aids firms in quickly completing projects.

Helps to build rich user interfaces: React supports frontend libraries like Bootstrap, Material UI, Chakra, Tailwind, and others to help design rich user interfaces.

Strong community support: The DOM model is tree-structured, which allows for quick rendering. As a result, a tiny change at a higher level layer might have a significant influence on an application's user interface. Facebook has implemented a virtual DOM feature to address this issue. Virtual DOM is a virtual representation of DOM that allows you to test all changes to the virtual DOM before calculating the risks associated with each change.

Reusable elements: Technology used to be a lot more sophisticated, but ReactJS gives us the opportunity to achieve the same thing. Reusable pieces are used in the construction of each React project. This means that by calling from other components, each element of the interface that you have already built can be used anywhere in your project.

Fast rendering: By using a tree-structured model, the DOM renders quickly. Because of this, a tiny change at a higher level layer can have a significant impact on the UI of an application. In order to address this issue, Facebook implemented a virtual DOM. With a virtual DOM, you can test any changes to the virtual DOM before calculating the risks associated with any particular change.

Is it really good and reliable?

  • Many Fortune 500 firms are currently using React.
  • The React Native framework has been used to create mobile apps for Airbnb, Tesla, Tencent QQ, Walmart, and many other well-known companies.
  • As an alternative, the React web framework is used by numerous companies including Netflix, Paypal, NASA, BBC, Lyft, and the New York Times, to name just a few.
  • React Js inherits React Native, so we can develop Android or iOS applications using the native look and feel of React Js.

So, now that you have come to know about the most important benefits and what type of companies are using it, and what can you develop if you know to react, then it should be easy for you to decide whether you want to use React or not. It just depends on the type of project and its requirement.