Easily Fix Destination Folder Access Denied Issue in Windows 10

Easily Fix Destination Folder Access Denied Issue in Windows 10

7 May, 2022

If you are facing a Destination Folder Access Denied issue in windows 10, then don't worry. it's a common issue. Just follow these steps to fix the Destination Folder Access Denied issue in Windows 10

This issue mostly occurs while trying to copy, cut or delete a file or a folder. Mostly this issue occurs when multiple users are configured on a system.

So, here are 5 easy steps to fix Destination Folder Access Denied Error

1. Check Connectivity and Sharing

Ifyou aregettingthis mistakewhilelooking toget entry toa shared folder, then theopportunitiesare that permission fora fewpurposesonthe alternativelaptophas tousled. Thenumber oneapproachto diagnosethis willbeto checkthe connectivity and, if it’s successful,testShare Permissions, else troubleshoot andverifythateachstructureis online.

2. Turn On Network Discovery & File Sharing

Ifyou arecopying/transferringareportto or from acommunityvicinityand gettingthis mistake,verifythat Network Discovery & File Sharing is enabled oneachof thestructures(Source/ Destination).

3. Disabling User Account Control

UACcan alsodenygetting entryto a folder.this canbe re-enabled later,however,need tobecarried outto testthe problem.

4. Using Advanced Sharing

Whenhaving access toasupplyreportshared onevery otherlaptop,we canuse Advanced sharing, whichoffersextramanipulateoverwhat isshared with whom and with whatdegreeofgetting entry to.

5. Transferring Ownership of the File/Folder

Unavailability ofpossessionfor youraccount canreasonthedevicetorestrictyou fromeditingthereport/folder in question.

Hope this helps.