Best and Cool Visual Studio Code Extensions you should try for better and Development

Best and Cool Visual Studio Code Extensions you should try for better and Development

6 March, 2022

If you use Visual Studio Code for your Development Work, then this list of VSCode extensions can help you speed up and improve your efficiency in your development work.

  • Quokka - It is a Live Scratchpad you can use for JavaScript.
  • Live Share - It's a Real-time collaborative development tool.
  • Code Spell Checker - Tool to check Spelling for your source code.
  • Live Server - This Will help you Create and Launch a local development server that will have a live reloading feature for both static & dynamic pages.
  • Browser Preview - It will help you see the Preview of the Browser right into your VS Code editor and help you debug easily.
  • Settings Sync - You can use this tool to Synchronize Settings, Keybindings, Snippets, File Icons, Workspaces, Launch, Themes, and Extensions Across Multiple Machines Using GitHub Gist.
  • Bracket Pair Colorizer - You can use this extension for customization by colorizing matching brackets.
  • Prettier - It's is an opinionated code formatter. It parsing your code and re-printing it with its own rules and enforces a consistent style that will also wrap your code when necessary.
  • Auto Rename Tag - It automatically renames any paired HTML or XML tag in your file.
  • Chrome Debugger - Debug your JavaScript code in the Chrome browser, or any other target that supports the Chrome Debugger protocol.
  • REST Client - Helps you to send HTTP requests and responses in Visual Studio Code directly.
  • Import Cost - It will display an inline in the editor that is the size of the imported package.
  • Code Metrics - This tool is really cool one. It measures the complexity in your code written in TypeScript, JavaScript, or Lua files.

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